There is not a weak or a prosaic hole on this short gorse and heather framed, 6,225 yard, par 71 track. Awkward lies and stances are a matter of course and the rugged terrain becomes even more dramatic on the back nine.
Beware also, the forty bunkers, which although not exceptionally large, are very well placed and sometimes lethal! Pennard's most remarkable hole may be the 351 yard 7th, which heads out to sea from a high, noble tee. The line of flight between the sparse ruins of a 13th century church and more imposing remnants of Pennard Castle, which dates from the 1100's, presents one unforgettable experience.
The rough on both sides of the fairway is almost inhumane and the green, hidden above in a cluster of sand hills, slopes sharply away from the pitch. Pennard is surely among the top twenty greatest courses in the world with a course that emphasizes shot values and the strategic considerations required supply golfing excitement of the highest order.

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